Dr. J's Maths.com
Where the techniques of Maths
are explained in simple terms.

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Maths.


Maths is supposed to be easily understood, easy to apply and fun.

We use Maths all the time in just living. Estimations of speed, how much we need of a quantity - money, ingredients for cooking (very important), size of a phone case, how long it will take up to get to a place, etc.

This site aims to make the kind of maths students do in high school easy to understand.

It outlines techniques (often without any formula) to help get "the right answers".

It is not designed with a particular curriculum in mind - hence the breakdown into particular skill areas.

From this site, you can access:

    • a wide range of specially developed videos;
    • hundreds of web-pages containing information;
    • web-pages of specially developed tests to help you evaluate your learning. Its all about you - nothing to do with others.
      The tests comment to you - and you alone - on the way you are learning more about this beautiful subject
    • solutions to the tests with comments as necessary.
    • help with using Casio calculators.
    • There is also a special section on Maths Humour!!!


  8 Sept.

To overcome the pandemic blues - see Maths & Beyond on the main index and then select Maths Humour:

Venn Diagrams

  21 Sept Probability for continuous functions - general overview and TYS 1 for basic functionds and then for cumulative probability functions.
  13 Oct The Hyperbola Song - for all the Geeks :-)



To access topics and information:

  1. Use the menu at the top to find a topic or a sub-topic.

    Click on the topic you need and follow the links to find a web-page, a video (uploaded to Youtube), a test and the solutions with a discussion on the test.

  2. Alternatively use the index menu at the far right in the header section.

  3. To access solutions (rather than just answers) scroll down to the table at the lower right of each page. Not all Tests/questions have solutions yet. Any help appreciated :-).

  4. Click the red Dr. Js Maths in the top left corner to return to the Home Page from any other page.

Enjoy the experience.

The site is new. More things are being added each week. Check the above entry for what is NEW THIS WEEK.

If you wish to comment, let me know your wants or let me know about errors (every one makes them) contact me on DrJsMaths@gmail.com.